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The number 1 platform for the sale
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What is Bimedis?
Bimedis is a Medical and Hospital Equipment Marketplace for New and Used Medical Equipment for sale or Refurbished Medical Equipment. We also offer Medical Equipment related Services Directory. You can Buy & Sell New and Pre-Owned Medical Equipment and Medical Products.
Bimedis provides more than, 390 000 Offers. You can find the 2nd hand medical equipment, Medical Device Companies, Home Medical Devices, Hospital Medical Equipment, Hospital Instruments and more Medical Equipment. List your Hospital Equipment and Medical Equipment for sale or wanted.
Bimedis is a classified ads platform popular with many doctors. A convenient ad search system is provided to ensure quick access to necessary Medical Instrument, that’s why it has become even easier to Buy Cheap Used Medical Equipment. The search results list provides the possibility to select the merchandise category, manufacturer name, machine model, and its manufacturing date. Besides, it also allows setting the price range, specifying equipment condition and the supplier’s country of origin.
Our advantages
As a B2B manufacturer or supplier you want to be sure your company has an online visibility and a strong reputation. Bimedis B2B Advertising Solutions will help you to promote your products and your brand position in B2B medical marketplace globally with 2M unique visitors per year, it is more than MEDICA Trade Fair Düsseldorf visits at 16x.
Adam And Eve Butterfly
£99.00 -
Audiometer For Sale
£2,799.00 -
Biofreeze Professional Roll On
£21.00 -
Biogel Gloves
£95.00 -
Bone Stimulator For Sale
£899.00 -
Bovie Cautery
£809.00 -
Bovie Pad
£279.00 -
C Locker
£139.00 -
Candela Gentlemax Pro For Sale
£6,599.00 -
Caretec Iv Tens Ems If Russian Stim
£135.00 -
Carter Thomas Device
£100.00 -
Cauterizing Pen
Featured from Ultrasound Machines, Anesthesia ventilators and more
Portable Suction Machine
£289.00 -
Philips Forte
£14,999.00 -
Mri Tubing
£1,099.00 -
Medical Scales
£899.00 -
Mayo Stand
£339.00 -
Littmann 3200 Electronic Stethoscope
£499.00 -
Kangaroo Pump
£799.00 -
Ipl Machine For Sale
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